«Sufism is giving oneself up to the fleeting moment» - Abu Sa'id Kharraz |
Sufism, despite having many definitions, is indefinable in itself: it cannot be closed in a static category. A master’s answer to the question «What is Sufism? » could be the history of the Elephant in the darkness. Inside a room, dark as pitch, a huge elephant was lying asleep. A group of people, who never heard in their lives about an animal like it, should discover what the “mysterious object” was. Since darkness avoided its shape distinguishing, they touched the animal to make up their own idea. The first one touched the pachyderm’s leg and said: “Sure, it’s simple, it is a huge column!”. |
Sufism is not a religion, nor an abstract thought, apart from life. It does not want to systematize knowledge, it does not deny the other conceptions. It does not stress on books or beliefs, but on experiences man can make in his everyday life. That’s why they say Sufism is “being within the world, but not of the world”, since it talks to the ones who, even though they are busy with everyday tasks, are not kept imprisoned by them. According to the ones who appreciate its atemporality, Sufism is a real and flourishing reality long before Mahomet teaching, always existing in any time; according to others, it is Islam’s medulla; anyway, Sufism allows man to fulfil the Divine that lives inside his own heart and to live in a perfect adherence to the present instant. Sufism needs the exam, the study, the observation of the human condition and the direct and practical experience of these phenomena. It stresses on practice, since a philosophical thought cannot be parted from everyday life. This would be like pulling up a plant from the ground. Once the roots are pulled up, life goes away. Sufism turns around the matter of transformation: to transform the world of appearances into an extraordinary world, filled up by the meaning of Divine. [taken from my book ,Il dito e la luna (The finger and the moon) , Vicenza 2008, 6a ed.]. |