- Hermann Hesse |
In 1997, I founded the Scuola Superiore di Filosofia Orientale e Comparativa (Superior School of Oriental and Comparative Philosophy) at the Istituto di Scienze dell’Uomo (Human Sciences Institute) in Rimini. The objective of the School, in which work university teachers and researchers, who have been working for many years in the field of Oriental and comparative philosophies, is not specialized nor archaeological: we are convinced that only through the divulgation and the accessible presentation of the different research lines, we could stimulate the possibility of a dialogue. A great attention is also given to all the theorists, who distinguished themselves for their work of promotion of a world philosophy, sheltered from Eurocentrism and exoticism: elements that, for a long time, have unfortunately been hampering a serious examination of these matters. It is not superfluous to underline that any tradition or line of thought is privileged to the detriment of the others. |
Any sectarian or partisan spirit, as well as the sterile dogmatism, is banished on principle. Since 2009, together with the Diploma in Oriental and comparative Philosophy, a Master in Oriental and Comparative Studies has also been established. The aim of the Master is to prepare professional figures, specialized in the mediation of the Western and Oriental thoughts, giving theoretical-methodological competences and instruments for the comparative reflection. |