«Don’t search until you are the object of the search, - Bayazid Bistami |
Comparative philosophy is a research field mostly unexplored, a virgin territory that saves many surprises. The philosophical-comparative discoverer jumps out from the narrow limits of the historiographical jail and studies, even on a trans-historical level, the three great world philosophical traditions: the Greek, the Indian and the Chinese one. He explores their analogies and differences, in the aim of lightening and merging the different attempts of solution of the great philosophical problems that appeared during the centuries and in different civilizations. |
Therefore, the meeting and merging of the Western and the Eastern cultures, in a new synthesis, in the light of new thought perspectives, become inevitable, where philosophy could be again a kind of school of life or a kind of way to wisdom. It is no longer a theory, detached from immediate reality, from what we can call the vital flux, but a global philosophy, that goes beyond geographical boundaries. |